Our injuries are often our greatest teachers. Explain.

Pain is a valuable teacher, giving us a chance to awaken. When we are injured our guides are limitation and discomfort. They redirect us ,our focus shifts and we can see ourself with new vision. The discomfort is the teacher and the healing retains it in our memory.

My first year teaching was in a tropical climate. The warmth , led me to a bad habit...not warming up enough or honoring my practice before I taught.

One sunset class on the roof , I had a request for Upavistha Konasana, wide angle seated forward bend. The class was warmer than me since they were into their full practice.

My ego pushed me deeper into the posture before I was ready and as I led them further my left hip bone opened and I felt my left hamstring tear slightly.

There was a ping in my brain as I realized although I was fully into the position, it was not in a good way. Luckily, I could breath through it but I knew the challenge would come later. My practice was altered for the next year and a half. And my wide angle posture and Hanuman challenge my left side to date.  As a teacher and student this lesson was immeasurable.